Small update

It’s been several weeks since my last post, and for that I do apologize!

We have moved into an S&B for now, and eventually, I seriously hope we get back out of here.

We welcomed our newest edition to our family on July 7th! We shall call him The Prince.

[Update: We call him “Goober” because this kid drools so much he is seriously goobering over everything. He doesn’t just teeth, he decides that four teeth at a time is on par.)

The Prince doesn’t wake up like normal babies where he works himself up to a freak out. He goes from zero to 150 in 0.000003 seconds. I nearly fell out of bed the first night he was home and in our room. Megan and The Prince have slept in the living room for a couple weeks because that is where our portable air conditioner is.

With the drought, and a minimum of 30C everyday, it’s difficult to move very close from the A/C!

Our friend Robert, from the RV park on the mainland, has moved out to the park here on the Island, and I have been to visit a couple times.

After not only describing it to Megan, but showing her video, I am more adamant than ever to get out of this S&B.

This is the website of the park I am talking about, and here is the video:

So, this weekend, I’m bringing my RV out of storage, and over to the Island so I can complete it’s renovations. Then I can finally list it and hopefully make enough to buy our fifth wheel.


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